Interest in my book, ‘Ships Trips and Rites of Passage: A Sailor’s Tale’ has already been coming in. Not due for release until 30th September 2022, I have already received enquiries from as far as New Zealand, Australia, and Dubai about my book. My understanding thus far, is that my book is not directly available at such outlets such as Wheelers in New Zealand but can be obtained from Amazon Worldwide.
My understanding is that Wheelers will be distributing copies on request to libraries and schools only.
I do believe, however, that Dymocks in Australia will be able to provide copies to those interested in this country.
For those interested in obtaining my book in Dubai, I would suggest that you contact Austin McCauley Publishers Website or Amazon Worldwide.
For those who have already pre-ordered, I believe that you will receive your copies very shortly.

Thank you all for your interest in my book and I do hope that you will enjoy your read.

Best wishes

Graham Stuart Tuckley

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